Hero MotoCorp: Empowering Everyone to Be Road Heroes
Hero We Care’! Hero MotoCorp’s CSR initiative invites all riders to join their #BeARoadHero campaign, where every choice you make contributes to safer roads
Read more...Bringing these facts into the limelight is Hero MotoCorp’s latest campaign, ‘Hero We Care’. The latter spreads awareness about road safety, and calls upon citizens to become a ‘Road Hero’ by pledging to always wear seat belts and helmets. A Road Hero is also the one who will be ready to help road accident victims.
Let’s take a cue from this campaign and promise to be more responsible on the road. Here are a few tips to help you in that direction.
1. Take care of your vehicle
Thirty-five-year-old Shreya Lankesh, a schoolteacher based in Chennai, talks to her students about road safety regularly. “I urge them to talk to their parents about wearing seat belts, and not breaking traffic rules. If the instructions come from the children, then the parents are usually more likely to follow the rules,” she says. Whenever you are inside a car, ensure that all the passengers are belted up. Similarly, don’t get on a bike without a helmet.
Yes, they aren’t. Pay attention to stop signs, zebra crossings, and traffic signals. Follow lane discipline like religion – think of how organized our roads will be if everyone stayed in their lanes. “I have a long commute to work,” says 45-year-old Meher Singh, who works as a researcher in Bangalore. “But I know that I need to be patient and follow traffic rules. If I don’t, how can I expect anyone else to?” In addition to road rules, make a habit of following driving etiquettes as well. Once you belt up, keep your phone away. Avoid using headphones, eating, or drinking.
It’s 2019, and with the ride-hailing industry booming, you don’t need to drive in an inebriated state. Also, don’t get into a car or on a bike with someone who insists ‘they’re fine’. “I’ve been in a car accident where I was with a driver who was under the influence. Thankfully, I escaped with just minor bruises. Now, whenever my friends and I go out, I insist that we take a cab or have someone be our designated driver,” says Shruti Sharma from Delhi.
If you see someone suffering a road accident, it’s your duty to help. Save emergency numbers of hospitals and ambulances on your phone, and call for help right away. Also, note down number plates of irresponsible drivers, information about broken traffic signals, and condition of roads to convey them to traffic authorities. Like Mohit Bal from Bangalore says, “Although people don’t like being told how to drive, I try to be polite when I point out someone’s mistake. The idea is to not offend someone but just say that you would feel safer if that person was more careful.”
There is nothing cool about being a brash driver. Shed the image of how ‘fast and furious’ is cool and exciting, and periodically remind young people or your friends about this.
To become a Road Hero, SMS Hero